Saturday, July 28, 2007

Still Quilting....

Even though it is summer (and the weather has been fantastic) I am still finding time to quilt. A great stress reliever for me and I love the satisfaction of completing a new project (yes, goal oriented even in my crafts).

Thought I would share my latest creation, still in progress - Autumn Trails. Bright colors mixed with earth tones - but isn't that what fall is all about? Fall in Michigan isn't like New England - which is the best in the world for foliage season - so this is my small reminder of that beautiful season.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

On a steaming Sunday afternoon, Mark and I went to Comerica Park in Detroit to watch the Tigers vs the Boston Red Sox. Fortunately, we had the OSRAM tickets so we were in prime seats under cover - or we would have ROASTED.

Although the stadium was filled - it wasn't all Tigers fans - in fact - we sat in an area that was mostly Red Sox fans. The man in front of us was very "passionate" about the game and sported a Boston hat. The game was great - with the Tigers leading up to the 7th inning then the Red Sox hitting two home runs to bring the game score to 6-5 (Tigers) - which turned out to be the final score.

The best part for me? My hot dog, peanuts and four bottles of water - new stadium so the public restrooms were not too bad :)