Saturday, August 18, 2007

Videos To laugh by...

Here are a few of my new favorite videos - Click on the following links to view the videos.

Leaving Home

German Coast Guard

Evolution of Dance


Saturday, August 11, 2007

Regensburg Germany

Just returned from yet another trip from Germany (third this year). Although my time is spent working - no sightseeing - thought I would share a few pictures taken from my camera.

Regensburg is a beautiful little town, sitting on the Danube River, that is known as one of the only villages that was not bombed during the Second World War. Therefore much of the historic buildings are still intact and is known as "the best perserved midievel city".

The food captures the region of Bavaria with sausages, pork and sauerkraut. But my favorite - the bread. I don't think there is anywhere in the world where the bread is this good. New York City is probably the second best (and Panara tries...).

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Still Quilting....

Even though it is summer (and the weather has been fantastic) I am still finding time to quilt. A great stress reliever for me and I love the satisfaction of completing a new project (yes, goal oriented even in my crafts).

Thought I would share my latest creation, still in progress - Autumn Trails. Bright colors mixed with earth tones - but isn't that what fall is all about? Fall in Michigan isn't like New England - which is the best in the world for foliage season - so this is my small reminder of that beautiful season.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

On a steaming Sunday afternoon, Mark and I went to Comerica Park in Detroit to watch the Tigers vs the Boston Red Sox. Fortunately, we had the OSRAM tickets so we were in prime seats under cover - or we would have ROASTED.

Although the stadium was filled - it wasn't all Tigers fans - in fact - we sat in an area that was mostly Red Sox fans. The man in front of us was very "passionate" about the game and sported a Boston hat. The game was great - with the Tigers leading up to the 7th inning then the Red Sox hitting two home runs to bring the game score to 6-5 (Tigers) - which turned out to be the final score.

The best part for me? My hot dog, peanuts and four bottles of water - new stadium so the public restrooms were not too bad :)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

GeoCaching at Kensington Park

Today we (Jill, Mark and I) went on our first geocaching. Geocaching is hiking to a location that someone has stored a cache (usually a waterproof container with little prizes and a log book) at a set location. The location is then loaded on to the site with the coordinates a story and a few hints. With a hand-held GPS the hikers (in this case us) find the cache.

We set out to find two geocaches, loaded our coordinates and with our new GPS (and the instruction book) started our adventure. On a beautiful day - the hike alone was nice - but knowing that you are going to find a treasure at the end - well - that sounded like fun.

Our first geocache started with the three of us just trying to stay on course - but after a while we got the hang of it. Unfortunately, we couldn't find the cache -- even after 1/2 hour of searching. We were disappointed and we gave up the hunt and went to the next set of coordinates and hurrah - we found it.

We logged our entry that we found the cache, left a little prize and took one (this is the normal procedure - we weren't stealing....).

We may be hooked on a new hobby. Next time I will bring a camera to capture the event.